
by Eva Ketels · 07/07/2020

Céréal understands that each body is different and that each individual has different nutritional needs. With their tasty products they make sure that your body gets exactly what it needs and healthy eating becomes easy and fun! And since we just love snacking at WE LIKE YOU, this brand was an obvious match for us... 🍪

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In 2019 Céréal underwent a complete digital transformation so we needed to make sure that the social media channels for both Belgium and the Netherlands were taken good care for during that period of time. We only post on the channels for this brand twice a month so the challenge is to create brand awareness and stay top of mind with the few content we post.


People who have to eat lactose or gluten free can enjoy cookies of Céréal but also people who in general want to be aware of what they eat and enjoy a little snack that’s healthier than the average cookie can all find what they like most within the wide choice of products.


Already being experienced in food-content, our photography talent Cheenwêg took out her camera to shoot the Céréal products in a custom-made set that matched the tone of the brand. As a result we have gorgeous images and appealing videos for Facebook and Instagram. Also interacting with your audience is key for keeping people happy with your brand and so we check all the pages of Céréal twice a day and react to all remarks, compliments and suggestions that the customers leave on the page.


Beautiful and appealing posts every month that provide the people who are looking for healthier habits with knowledge of the wide range that céréal has to offer!