
by Eva Ketels · 08/07/2020

Cute, cuter, cutest! Nattou stands for interactive toys, soft sleep items, decoration and user-friendly accessories and on top, all of this is vegan certified. Kudos to them for keeping up with the times, right? 🥰

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For 15 years now, Nattou - a Belgian company - has been marketing baby collections, with a focus on uniformity in a slightly more pronounced romantic atmosphere. The competition does not hold back, and therefore Nattou wants to be more top of mind before anyone goes to a store. E-commerce completes the story afterwards. How can social help with all the steps in the marketing funnel?


The wonderful world of Nattou contains adorable cuddlies and toys for little ones, so our target audience are the parents of children up to 2 years old. We also want women, who are not yet a mom but might be soon and have friends with little kids, to already get to know the brand. This is why we also target women between 25 and 35 years old.


In all our online communication on Facebook and Instagram, we radiate “intensifying tender moments” through endearing pictures of the toys and baby’s. And we regularly highlight the beauty of the brand, such as their PETA vegan approval and the educational features their toys offer. To stay top of mind with parents who are seeking inspiration for their (future) children, we could not disregard the beautiful possibilities that Pinterest offers, so we post images and videos on there as well, accompanied by copy that contains SEO keywords. On all three channels, we use ads to get these posts seen by the right audience.


We manage to maintain a loyal community of followers that adore this brand, and that keep coming back to Nattou's socials for the lovable images and informative copy. As with all starting web shops, it’s hard to get a positive ROAS from the get-go. However, by consistent A/B testing in targeting, content and channels we reached a break-even ROAS in 3 months, with a positive turnover in the mere future.