
by Eva Ketels · 07/07/2020

Who doesn’t know Paschka? This wonderful and authentic brand is one that we all know and love since we were a kid... 🍫

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Paschka is such a wonderful brand with lots to offer. But this wasn’t always displayed on their social media. They were missing one general strategy and in desperate need of a content upgrade. WLY to the rescue!


People who engage with Paschka are mostly responsible for purchase. Women or men that are in charge of the daily meals and remember Paschka from their youth. So not only the very young RFP’s but also the slightly older ones ;-)


With their baseline ‘Da’s pure nostalgie’, it wasn’t that hard to get a strategy and a creative concept on a roll. We started to implement our new concept ‘The happiest part of your day’ as from januari. Making sure nobody forgets the joy of Paschka by reminding people that Paschka brings that extra spark of joy to everyone’s lives.


A cohesive and beautiful feed that tells the story of the brand as it should be.