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Uitgeverij VAN IN

Imagine a world where learning feels like an adventure! ️At Uitgeverij VAN IN, that's exactly what they’re creating! As Belgium's largest educational publisher of learning resources, they craft innovative educational tools that spark curiosity and ignite young minds. Their mission? Building the education of tomorrow, one epic lesson at a time! 👩🏼‍🏫


To keep VAN IN’s audience up to date with their books, online learning platforms, and current affairs, the brand wanted to give their online presence a boost. By dividing the different audiences - teachers in middle school, high school and their own employees - multiple Facebook and Instagram accounts were created. Of course, those pages needed fun and entertaining content to keep them alive and kicking!

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The VAN IN Secundair Facebook page we currently manage, targets people who teach students between the ages of 12 and 18. The main reason those teachers follow the Facebook page, is to stay on top of all the book updates, get tips and tricks on teaching, get an invite to the VAN IN events and learn the latest developments in the wondrous world of education.


Looking at the audience, we focus on Facebook for this client. We keep their fanbase interested with animated videos and a lot of teacher minded content. We challenge our content every month, in order to keep coming up with the most successful posts. In close collaboration with the brand’s marketing team, we also created a strong campaign-based advertisement strategy. These dark posts contain information that follows VAN IN’s marketing calendar, which is closely linked to the teachers’ stages throughout the school year.
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Because of the specific, educational content we create a lot of engagement opportunities for teachers. With that said, every subject has its own visual appearance to make sure all our posts are very clear and bring the audience the information they want and need. We’re very proud to be working with VAN IN Secundair for over five years now, and excited for future projects, including the launch of their long awaited Instagram page!

For our last campaign we focused on their Summer Academy. We focused on converting as many people as possible - with a result of 30 Summer Academy subscribes in one month!

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