230919 VDBK Zaventem 46

Vanden Borre Kitchen

The lowest ALL-IN price, that’s what Belgian kitchen supplier Vanden Borre Kitchen guarantees. That means that clients know from the first encounter what they will have to pay, without any unpleasant surprises. They only have one surprise, a pleasant one, being the quality of their services! 🔪


Vanden Borre Kitchen has quite a well-known reputation when it comes to qualitative kitchens. However, the current socials did not radiate the same premium feeling their kitchens do. To make sure the different social media platforms were utilized to the fullest, they needed a strong strategy that performed in close relation to their paid campaigns and promotions.

230830 VDBK Wetteren 70


To be able to buy a kitchen, you need funding that we mostly see within an older age group. However, younger couples might be looking at kitchen brands for inspiration for their future investment. Besides that, within a couple, there’s typically one person choosing the kitchen and another one paying for it… All these factors make for a quite unique situation.


As we’re dealing with a lot of different audiences who all have their own reason for looking at the Vanden Borre Kitchen socials, we chose 4 different platforms to produce content for: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and LinkedIn. The first two platforms are used mainly for inspiration through photo and video material, whereas the other two platforms are used for information about the company and promotions. Thanks to this mix, we can communicate all brand values accordingly.

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Through the years, we managed to create a strong strategy, in which the pillars are strongly rooted in the brand values and KPI’s, whilst still being moldable to any changes in the market. The brand has reached more profiles than ever thanks to the inspirational content, with over a million views on TikTok alone!


+755K impressions
+105K engagements
+3,2K clicks

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